Sunday, February 22, 2009


This weekend I received two amazing visitors. My sister Bekah and our good friend (and almost sister) Susannah came to visit me - which was just wonderful. Suz flew in from Seattle and Bekah drove down from Chicago (thanks Aunt Vicky and Uncle Chuck for letting her borrow your car!). I was quite excited to have them here with me.

Friday was our last day with students, which was very hard, although it has yet to really sink in. But it made my day a whole lot brighter to know I was going home to hang out with Bekah and Suz.

We went hiking at the Pinnacles on Friday; it was a little chilly, but the sun was out, so I couldn't complain too much. When we were almost to the top we picked up a new friend. We passed a couple on their way down and were greeted by who we thought was their dog. We started walking along, but the dog kept following us. So we stopped and waited for the couple to call their dog, but they never did. We eventually started walking again and the dog just followed along. It ended up sticking with us all the way to the top and when we turned to head down it continued to follow. When we were almost to the bottom we finally checked its tags, thinking that we would finally have cell reception to call its owners. Of course, when we read the tags we learned that Tilly lives next door and likes to hike with strangers. Basically, all of our worrying about this poor dog was for nought (I was already thinking to myself that even though we're not allowed to have pets, maybe it could live in our shed - she was a really sweet dog). Oh well.

Unfortunately, I have been developing a cold for the last week, and it came out in full blast Friday night. We did a little contra dancing Friday night, but most of Saturday was spent sitting around...I just did not have the energy to do a whole lot. We did, at least, go out last night for dinner and drinks, which was fun - although I decided that I'm really not a fan of loud bar bands, especially ones who aren't very good...

This morning we dropped Suz off at the airport, then Bekah and I headed to a Starbucks to have some much needed "sister time." It was great to just sit and chat for a few hours, and thankfully, I'm feeling better today. I actually have energy and I have not been coughing quite as much. Hopefully this cold will disappear quickly!

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