Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pillows and Snowballs

Tonight we had the perfect end to a pretty great day. I woke up this morning and found out that CAP vehicles were grounded, so I ended up having a snow day. I did, however, do a little bit of work from home; I managed to squeeze a few hours in before getting completely distracted...

Anyway, tonight after devotions, I walked out to the living room and was overcome with the urge to smack Louis with a pillow. And since urges like that should almost always be acted upon, I followed through. Instead of just taking the abuse, Louis retaliated and started hitting me back with the pillow. This sparked an amazing pillow fight as we slowly got Paul, Jenna, Kim, Jenny, Yong, and Liz to join in. Pretty soon the room was filled with flying pillows, wrestling, tickling (which is totally cheating), screaming, and laughing. Somehow our pillow fight lasted about twenty minutes, with a few breaks in between. Don't worry, no one was hurt. I have a slight rug burn from when Paul started dragging me across the floor, but that is about it.

A few memorable moments:
  • Kim sitting in a chair, eating ice cream, saying: "Sorry Jess, I'd help you out, but I'm eating ice cream right now."

  • Five minutes later, Kim jumping on Louis' back and rallying all the girls to start hitting him with pillows.

  • Jenny screaming (it's pretty intense).

After we had caught our breath and declared peace, I decided that we needed to have a snowball fight too. I mean, what is the point of having three inches of snow on the ground if you can't throw it at anyone? So we all changed and trudged outside to start another battle. Unfortunately our snow is a little too powdery, so not good snowball-making snow. Yong cheated by bringing out a dustpan to fling snow at us; luckily, Jenny got it away from him. Near where our driveway had been plowed there were some good clumps, so we eventually started picking those up so we could chuck them at one another. Kim tackled Paul to the ground and we shoved snow in his face. I think I got tackled a few times too. I think the best part was when Liz went down on the ground grabbing her ankle; we all gathered round and were asking if she was okay, when all of a sudden she jumped up and started launching snow. It was great. So between our pillow and snowball fights we all got a pretty good workout tonight.

To finish the night off, Paul made some hot cocoa and we watched a little Faerie Tale Theatre in between our Scrabble game. Like I said, the perfect end to a great snow day!

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