Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby

I don't know how many of you have been following the news, but Kentucky has been under a severe winter storm warning since Monday night. Luckily, Mount Vernon was not hit too hard. The only thing we lost was our internet for two days. We have had a bit of ice and then yesterday we got some snow!

The weather has made for kind of a fun week though. Monday I worked a full day. Tuesday I got up to go to work, but our cars were grounded so I never made it in; I went back to bed and then got up and made bar cookies. Needless to say, it was a good day. Yesterday I went to work for about an hour before we were told to go home because the storm was getting worse. Instead of being completely lazy, however, I went to the abuse shelter and played with the kids for a few hours. We had ourselves an epic snowball fight - although Louis, one of my housemates, was definitely playing dirty (but at least I shoved snow down his shirt! Ha!).

The weather has not, however, brought all fun and games. There are thousands of people currently without power or water in the state of Kentucky. Berea, the next town over, is still trying to restore full power and many of the residents have relocated to emergency shelters. There have been reports that it might take up to two weeks for everyone's power to be fixed!!! And more snow is predicted for next week (just snow though, no ice). Apparently there are areas where people are, more or less, trapped because of all the fallen trees blocking the roads. It is quite crazy and humbling to think that snow and ice have the power to wreak all this damage, and to realize how blessed all of us are who did not lose power, heat, or even our access to clean food and water.

Please pray for those who are without heat, food, or even a place to stay.

Today I headed back to work. Although, it really wasn't bad because I had a WorkKeys training I had to attend in Somerset (about forty minutes away), which broke up the day pretty well. The training was actually fairly pointless, although I did figure out how to manipulate the system so I could have more access. On a side note, it is kind of funny, I always get nervous about these professional development trainings, but all of the ones I have attended have been pretty easy. Although I do always feel awkward when I walk in because everyone looks at me as if they are inwardly asking "Why is there a high schooler here?" Sigh...the curse of looking sixteen.

This weekend our house is hosting a Super Bowl party for all of the west-side volunteers, so it should be a fun night. Eastern time is not the best time zone to be in for the Super Bowl though - it is going to get over so late! Oh well. I will be cheering for Arizona; I have yet to forgive the Pittsburgh Steelers for Super Bowl XL (even though I should be unforgiving to the refs of that game, but still, it's the principle of the matter).


1 comment:

Mallory said...

Jared and I have not forgotten the Steelers vs. Seahawks either. We will be cheering for Arizona for the same reasons. I hope you have a great time today!